• Tantric massage is not simply a conventional massage that includes the genital area. It is a therapeutic massage aimed at relaxing, regenerating, harmonizing, strengthening, and especially unlocking stagnant energy. It uses sexual energy as a catalyst for psycho-emotional processes and explores orgasmic states as a transformative and regenerating psychosomatic tool.

  • Both men and women can benefit from tantric massage and therapy.

  • The benefits are varied and depend on the goals of the recipient. Primarily, it can lead to a general resensitization of the body, making the entire body feel erogenous, and a greater awareness, self-confidence, and control over erotic experiences and sexual functions.

  • Sessions start with a dialogue between the therapist and the client to clarify motivations and goals. The therapist explains how the chosen massage will proceed and agrees on the session protocol. The client is invited to shower, sometimes with salt or herbal infusions to cleanse their bioenergetic field. The bodywork then follows as agreed. After the massage, a brief discussion may occur about the session's effects to help the client integrate and understand the experience's profound meaning.

  • Tantric massage may or may not involve the genital area, depending on the client’s needs. When it does, the aim is to provoke intensely pleasurable sensations that are internalized as transformative energy, helping to expand consciousness. Sexual activity with the therapist is not an option.

  • Typically, the therapist is not naked and wears a sarong. Only one modality, the Sublime Bliss Ritual, involves the therapist’s nudity.

  • Tantric massage, when approached as therapy, is highly effective for sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, and other orgasmic disorders. It significantly increases body sensitivity at the cellular level and teaches the patient to both receive and provide pleasure.

  • Bloom Barcelona’s sexual therapy combines modern psychotherapy tools with bodywork inspired by yoga and ancestral medicine. The session is divided into a verbal phase to address psycho-emotional blockages and limiting beliefs, and a somatic phase to reinforce and embody healing through techniques like breathing, visualization, and massage. A minimum of five sessions is recommended to experience restorative effects.

  • It is essential for the client to be open to feeling and engaging in dialogue with themselves, their body, and their inner experiences. A desire to explore and discover fundamental aspects of one’s sexuality is also important.

  • It is recommended to eat lightly or not at all before the session, though this is not mandatory. It is also preferable to avoid alcohol before or after the session to maintain natural sensitivity, receptivity, and state of consciousness. Scheduling is flexible according to the client’s convenience.

  • Bloom provides a warm, caring, and confidential environment, understanding that insecurities are normal in such intimate settings. This type of therapy helps confront and overcome personal insecurities.

  • Yes, Bloom offers options for those who wish to explore and discover new sensations and experiences, expanding their pleasure horizons. We guide clients in discovering tantric sensitivity and sensuality beyond the conventional.

  • The focus of tantric massage is not on ejaculation but on illustrating the difference between physiological ejaculation and orgasm as a form of psychosomatic expansion. If ejaculation occurs during the exploration of non-ejaculatory orgasmic states, it is seen as an opportunity for learning rather than a failure. The goal is relaxation, liberation, and uninhibitedness.

  • "Sexual energy" is a specific manifestation of general psychosomatic energy, with its subtlest expression being dynamic consciousness. Recycling it involves reintegrating it into the organism after activation through erotic excitation and then reabsorbing it via yogic techniques of breathing and visualization. The result is increased bodily vigor, often rejuvenating and healing, and an expanded consciousness.

  • A tantric way of life involves approaching challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

  • Yes, Bloom offers tantric instruction for couples in both private and group workshops.

  • It can be done in the same room with both people side by side or in separate rooms with each enjoying privacy. Each person has their own therapist, chosen based on the client’s preference.

  • Obviamente la edad mínima es la mayoría de edad, pero no existe un límite superior de edad mientras el cliente tenga su libido activa.

  • For both elite and amateur athletes, tantric massage has anabolic effects on the body due to controlled testosterone mobilization, offering additional benefits especially for muscle mass.